Question about installing flag pole


8 Years
May 15, 2011
I am about to build a diy flag pole using two 10' top rail fence. It is suggested to bury the pole in a 3' hole that is 2' wide. I plan to go 4' deep. Instructions state to use a sleeve with sand, so the pole can be inserted and later removed if needed. Is a sleeve even necessary?. I plan to insert a bolt through the two poles are that are inserted together. This will allow to remove the top pole for needed repairs. It is my intention to make the pole permanent permanent.

Is there is component of the sleeve that is necessary to install a flag pole?

I don't see why you would have to have a sleeve. You could even pour concrete to hold your pole stable. It is your project, just go for it. A pvc pipe might be a good sleeve if you decided to go that way. Good luck.
I don't see why you would have to have a sleeve. You could even pour concrete to hold your pole stable. It is your project, just go for it. A pvc pipe might be a good sleeve if you decided to go that way. Good luck.

thank you for your reply. i wasn't sure if it was necessary but every instruction manual stated to do so. i poured several inches of sand in bottom of hole and rest cement. It is centered and straight. I exceeded specifications by digging little over four feet and drove 2' of a 4' rebar into the ground below the hole and stuck the top rail into it. It is setting for now and will pour cement inside the rail tomorrow.

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