Question about Niacin and/or Brewers Yeast for Ducks

I have 2 three week old cayuga ducklings that sit down a lot. I never had ducks before but i feel they spend a lot of time sitting and should be standing, walking more. Im feeding them purina chick start and grow non medicated only. Im going to pick up niacin tomorrow & question is how often should i put it in the water (it seems there are many different posts with different timings) i know its 100mg/gal but should i give it daily, every other day, weekly?
I have ducks and chickens and run them together so they ear and drink out of same bowls...what will the yeast do to the chickens if anything? do i need to separate the chickens from ducks
This is my first post. I am a new mom of 14 Indian runners. They are now 7 weeks old.. They had a very ruff time getting to me. They was mailed out on a Tuesday and I didn't get them till Friday. The mail sent them to the wrong state. The place I got them told me to expect them all to be dead but all 15 plus the buffer(the extra one you get) but as you can tell I lost 2 but I have been very lucky. Pour baby's. Anyway everything has been good. I think I has a runt. She (i think) is a beutiful pencil. My question is how much nicticon and browser yeast do they get a day. My runt her name is little foot. Has one shaky leg . The left one and one of the whites just started shaking.
They have water 24/7. Feed 99%. No feed when they go to bed. They have a pen that is over 2,000 square feet. The coop is a big dog kennel. With heavy duty tarps on top and three side to keep them safe. They get locked up every night. They was on chick starter till just now. I got them 16% complete egg ration. It's a chicken pellet food. 16% protein. I got niacin and the brewers yeast today. Had to drive a hour to a GNC to get it. No feed store from home to there Batesville carry duck feed. Can anyone tell me how much the need during a DAY? Please.
i buy all flock from the fed store it will show a duck turkey and a goose i have been feeding my calls this and they are doing great
..i just had a mama hatch out 10 babies 5 days ago and they are all healthy
I found this at Walmart (because I couldn't find Brewers yeast anywhere in my area and I wanted to get the dosage exact) for $2.74 :D It's just plain Niacin 100mg per tablet, so I put 1 tablet to a gallon of his water every other day now that he's doing better. The supplement I found for poultry had a list of other vitamins with the Niacin so I worried about giving him more of something than he needs. Now he just gets this along with his feed and foraging and is showing remarkable improvement after 5 days.

I found this at Walmart (because I couldn't find Brewers yeast anywhere in my area and I wanted to get the dosage exact) for $2.74 :D It's just plain Niacin 100mg per tablet, so I put 1 tablet to a gallon of his water every other day now that he's doing better. The supplement I found for poultry had a list of other vitamins with the Niacin so I worried about giving him more of something than he needs. Now he just gets this along with his feed and foraging and is showing remarkable improvement after 5 days.

did you find this on line? our walmart doesnt carry the plain i had to go to the health food stor and get it and it is 150 mg per tablet :(
Niacin is very important for ducklings ... a lot of the questions have been answered in this thread. Great job guys...

I've found it best to buy the Niacin (NON FLUSH) in capsule form and mix one capsule per 1 Gallon of water. Very simple...

I supplement Niacin for my ducklings in their water from hatch to about 3 months. After that I put a capsule in their water, once a week.

If your ducks free range, chances are they will be okay, however, it wouldn't hurt to give them a capsule in their water once a week just in case.
where did you find the nician in capsule form ..i found some at a health food store in tablet form but it is 250mg per tablet i will have to cut it into 4s just so i dont over dose will it hurt the adult ducks?
i have some baby ducks that mama hatched out. they are about 3 weeks old ,i noticed 2 days ago that one of the babies foot was folded up and was having trouble walking .

i finally found some niacin at a health food store started them on niacin yesterday and he is already using his foot im so happy i was so afraid he was going to be crippled!!

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