question about weird honking noise?

ginger c.

8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
one of our EE's, Emma Jean, keeps honking like a goose, is this normal? if so any idea why she's doing this?
Our Roos sounded like that when they were trying to crow early on. They were in the basement and it sounded almost like a child whining.

Our alpha Roo, Courageous, has his full cock-a-doodle-doo, but the other two are still going through their 'voice changes'

Some of the hens made a similar noise until they realized that their purpose was different than the Roos.

- JC
ginger c. :

one of our EE's, Emma Jean, keeps honking like a goose, is this normal? if so any idea why she's doing this?

My Buff Orpington used to do this all the time when she was younger. I haven't heard her do it in a long time. I was sure there was something wrong with her at the time until I was told it's one of those oddities that falls within chicken "normal."
Oh yeah? How many legs that chicken have? 4?

I've heard of a parrot barking, but a chicken is a new one to me!

- JC
My two five month old girls have been honking for the past month. I've noticed that it's getting more frequent and much louder! They used to only do it once in a while, but now it's their primary method of communication (mostly with each other). At first I thought it was weird that my girls sounded more like geese than chickens, but after reading a few forum posts I guess this is normal? (I hope)

I hope this is normal! That is also a new sound I have begun to notice with my girls too. They are almost 11 weeks old. Friend of the family says they are growing into their big girl voices. I hope so too!

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