Question : Can/Should I put in the 1 remaining Chirping Egg, under New Broddie Adult Bantam Hens


11 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Question : Can/Should we put in the 1 remaining Chirping Egg, under New Broddie Adult Bantam Hens friends gave Us. us this Afternoon. .WHEN would be best Way.? .
It depends on the broody hen's behavior, but I would strongly suggest you don't. A broody hen doesn't want to except chicks until she has sat for a while. We tried to introduce eggs to broody hens and they ended up eating them.
However, if you watch them to see if they except the chick, it may happen. You should wait until the chick is dry and able to walk so that it is less likely to be injured or become cold.
As I stated, I have had poor luck with introducing eggs to hens that have not been settled on a nest for a week or more.

I hope all goes well though! Best of luck!

Besides, having chicks hatch in your hand is SOOO amazing!


either Autumn or Breeze

Little Sigh



Baby Cakes
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It's not recommended to take them out of the incubator or touch them mid hatch by the way in case those photos gave you that idea. They shouldn't be touched till their feathers have dried. Pulling them out mid hatch can cause higher risk of "shrink wrapping" where they can't finish the job and can die.

I agree though that unless it's been settled on a nest for a while you are asking for trouble. If you only just got the hen today there is every chance the move itself could lead to her giving up being broody as well making it even less likely she will accept it.
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It's not recommended to take them out of the incubator or touch them mid hatch by the way in case those photos gave you that idea. They shouldn't be touched till their feathers have dried. Pulling them out mid hatch can cause higher risk of "shrink wrapping" where they can't finish the job and can die.

I agree though that unless it's been settled on a nest for a while you are asking for trouble. If you only just got the hen today there is every chance the move itself could lead to her giving up being broody as well making it even less likely she will accept it.

Don't worry, I know not to bother a hatching egg (though its certainly good advice to remember).
These are all eggs that needed assistance or (in the case of the chicks that are hatched) I took them because they were calling for their mother. Rain, Dastan, and Baby Cakes all got to go back to their mother. Rain and Dastan hatched in their incubators while Baby Cakes needed assistance. Breeze got to go back under her mother after some assistance in hatching (the green eggs tended have have thick shells). We had thought Precious was dead and opened the egg to find a live chick, which is where that picture comes in.

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