Question ducklings and drakes


10 Years
Sep 1, 2010
Albion, Wisconsin
So, Steve's Friend, bob decided to go broody. She kept moving her egg laying area around and me being me, didn't pick up the eggs like I should have. She laid them in an inconvenient spot and I was lazy and kept putting off climbing around the duck habitat to get the eggs. :he
Now, eventually she will have ducklings and my question is this: Steve the drake is still in the same habitat. When the kids finally hatch out, should I move him to another pen? He stays away from "Bob" because she's just a big old crank and he learned his lesson early on but I don't know if drakes and ducklings can co-habitate. I know roosters can and do habitate with chicks but I'm clueless with duck family stuff. Thanks in advance!
Thanks guys! I will definitely be moving Steve. I've got a run already set up for some new ducklings that I got, but Steve can have that for now and the ducklings will just have to hang in their "baby" pen for now.

Drakes have been known to kill ducklings, so it's best to move him to be on the safe side.

Also; you have a female duck called Bob?? So do I! :D

Yes, Bob's name is used as a verb though because she...bobs. hahaha!! Her actually name is Steve's Friend, bob. lol

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