Question for any hatchery


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
CR, Iowa
Is it possible to get just 1 chick or hen from any online hatchery? We have 5 chicks and can have only a total of 6 so I just want to buy one. Figured I would ask here if anyone has come across a hatchery that will do that.
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Probably not a single chick, but most harcheries have started pullets for sale, mcmurray for example, and will ship one because it no longer needs others for heat.
I don't think any hatchery would ship one chick via mail. The more chicks in an order, they better they ship and the higher their survival rate. A solo chick would be very unlikely to survive a trip in the mail. You could order a larger number of pullets and then sell off the extras and re-coup your costs. I've done this on a number of occasions and have never had any trouble selling them as I have the order form to prove I ordered pullets.

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