Question: Leave or Incubate?


In the Brooder
May 19, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
My ducks are going to be laying their first batch of eggs. I have a question about tempature. It's 100 to 115 each day with 90 to 100 degree lows at night. Is it safe for the eggs to remain under the mother or should I bring them inside to incubate?
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My ducks are going to be laying their first batch of eggs. I have a question about tempature. It's 100 to 115 each day with 90 to 100 degree lows at night. Is it safe for the eggs to remain under the mother or should I bring them inside to incubate?

Sorry for not seeing your post sooner. Today I have been going over posts that were not replied to. I am not used to temperatures that you describe. In Wisconsin we whine when temps reach 90. If the hen is already brooding I would take the chance and let the hen do her thing. Make sure she has lots of cool water to bath in. While it is her body temperature that warms the eggs her body also insulates the eggs from getting too warm. I would worry, though, about eggs that are not being brooded waiting for the whole clutch to be laid. In that case I would collect the eggs and replace with fake eggs until the hen started to brood. Or you could collect the eggs often and put them in an incubator. Collecting the eggs without replacing with fakes should induce the hens to lay more eggs than they would normally lay if left in the nest.

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