Question of the Day - Sunday, May 12th, 2024

Close friends irl? 1
Just regular friends? Probably around 15
Close friends online? Around 5
Friends online? 20-30

I am a pretty hard person to deal with in person as if I am not talking about stuff I want to, I am either annoying or I just drift off into the depths of my brain. But I can’t help it and if someone has an issue with that then I consider that their problem, not mine. And I don’t invite people over. I have invited my 1 close friend over twice this whole year. My home if my alone space and I consider 8 hours of school enough socializing without having people over taking away from that independent time.
"irl" That is funny. So, being on a computer is not real life? I spend a lot of time with work and non work not being in real life lol

Idk, but, maybe saying cyber friends would be more accurate.
If a friend is defined as a human you can spend more than ten minutes with without wishing they'd turn into something more interesting, like a duck or a chicken, then I have about three friends. With those three, it takes me at least 15 minutes before I start wishing they were ducks!

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