Question of the Day - Sunday, May 19th, 2024

I have a lovely little Old English Game bantam hen named Sumi. I think that's it, at least intentionally.

Rather unintentionally, I also have a Cochin bantam named Sylvie, who I named before realizing that there's a user on here called sylviethecochin :eek: I don't think I have any others like that, though.
No. I recognize people by their little picture thingy more than anything, and as for the folks I do recognize by name, I'm pretty sure I'm getting the names wrong more often than not. To me, Car Port Pony is that peacock person who probably keeps a pony in a car port (it was actually super recently that I realized the name wasn't carportpony, but now it's forever stuck in my head that way).
My chickens have names but I let my son and nieces and nephews name them. Bad idea, as I now have a Jafaria, Banana Split, Oreo, Peggy, Laura, and (thanks Key and Peele) Jayquellin

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