Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Cool! What part do you sing?
What’s the most memorable live music or theatre event you’ve been to? For me, it's the 1981 Rolling Stones concert. Opening bands were J Geils Band & George Thorogood & The Destroyers.
Oh, I got to see J Gail's back in the day. Great concert. Also enjoyed The Doobie Brothers - tickets were a gift from our best man - 1981.
Been to a few good concerts. My first was Journey, 1980
I once got to see Celtic Woman at The Fox Theatre in Detroit. Private balcony and a prime rib dinner before the show. It was amazing! Went with a friend who had been gifted the tickets from an executive-friend who didn't want to go. It was quite the experience.
Aw, lucky you. Tenors and Sopranos get all the best lines.
I'm lucky I still have that range. I have a much fuller tone 2nd tenor and can do baritone too, but I've sung that first part for years so it's where I usually end up because I don't need to practice it as much.

Back story:

My home town does a holiday festival where they light the water tower "tree" each year. Every 2-3 years they have a chorale do the Hallelujah chorus as they light it, and the director of the chorale has been "extended family" with my folks since I was a kid. So I will go down and fill a spot if he asks. Plus I get to sing with my folks,

I very rarely sing otherwise and mostly for myself.

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