question on chicks in the hayloft


12 Years
Jun 19, 2007
I am new here. My husband and I have had chickens for many years but never had one hatch chicks in the hayloft. My son found a newly hatched bunch yesterday up there and so we (kids and I) moved them all, including the hen, to the main floor of the barn in a goat kidding pen covered in chicken wire. I supplied water and feed. My husband thinks I should have left them up in the loft. But I could not see how the chicks could drink up there. Any input???
Jamie.....first, welcome to BYC. This is a great place for support and answers.
Now, for moveing them. GOOD CALL! There is no way the babies could get water...or feed. They might have gotten hurt trying to follow momma down.
Oh good!!! Sometimes I act too fast! Since I have not had a broody hen in over 10 years, I was not sure if it was the right thing to do. I have either ordered chicks or used my incubator. Thanks!!!

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