Question On Feed for Roo's

Mountain Sunshine

10 Years
Oct 24, 2009
Cleveland, Georgia
I read some where in another post that roos should not eat Layer feed. Is this true? And if it is true, how do you feed the hens and the roo at the same time and have the hens get enough calcium? I am feeding feeding all of the layer feed. But in the pose I read it said that the roo's should be getting flock raiser and that the layer feed can cause kidney damage in the roo's.

Can someone chime in on this????
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I honestly don't know if layer will hurt a roo or not. Sadly, all my roos have died before old age could catch them.

I have been told they can eat layer and that's what I've always fed them.
I can't handle feeding 20 (i exaggerate) different kinds of feed to my birds. I took someone else's tip, which you may or may not like - and started feeding game bird developer to everyone. But i keep free choice egg shell in the coop for the layers to eat as they need it.

I have no idea how i would keep my rooster from eating whatever the girls are eating.
Here is the post I read that was talking about the feed. someone that goes by EMY from Idaho posted it. So, I thought I would ask the question!

(This might be a tad off current topic, but I noted earlier that you said you were feeding them layer feed. That has too much calcium for the males and should not be fed long term. (Risk of kidney damage.) )
You can feed layer feed to roosters. I don't think it will hurt them. I' have done some research what I would have to feed my chickens to stay healthy and I could not find anything about feeding layena to rooster.
The bags said to feed it to rooster is no problem after mature age.
Don't feed layena to chicks though they can get sick eating this after a while. That's the only thing I have found after doing research.
This hobby cost me more money and research I think. but i love it.
I am glad to hear that. I am going to continue feeding my roo's the layena. I don't think I could feed everyone something different. I thought I have read on the Layena bag to feed it to the roo's also but after I read I read that post I had to ask you all what you thought. Thanks for all the responses!

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