Questions about 1 wk old Ducklings.


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2020
I have so many questions. 1st time Duck Owner. Each site I read states something different. Just thought some expert advise would help. 1wk old ducklings in brooder.
  1. When can I give ducklings smashed peas?
  2. Do i introduce grit before giving peas, and if so how long before they have the peas should I give them grit.
  3. They love the water. When can I let them swim in a shallow container?
  4. I live in Southern California and it's 90% outside. Can they go outside and play for small amounts of time at 1 wk old?
Thank you
We started giving our ducks peas at three weeks old.
And they never needed grit at far as I know.
Yes, you can let them swim
Of coarse! letting them outside is a really good idea.
I waited until 4 weeks to give mine peas, as long as they're defrosted and in water i don't think you need grit.
You can let them swim at any time but they aren't waterproof yet and will get chilled/tired quickly, so only a few minutes at a time and dry them off really well after before putting them under heat.
They can definitely go outside too, just don't leave them alone unless they have a secure pen!

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