Questions about duck eggs

Even fresh eggs can be easy to peel if you use an egg punch before you boil. I bought a $15 egg cooker on Amazon and I use it all the time. If you boil eggs often it's well worth it. punch each egg, fill the measuring cup with water to desired doneness and push the button. When the buzzer goes off peel and enjoy.:drool
Do they peel easier using that?
I'm going to add to Jpat's comment. I read recently that you're supposed to use warm water to wash them because cold water somehow makes the poo, dirt or whatever is on them go deeper into the pores of the egg. I can't remember where I read that.
I read that somewhere too but can't remember where either. I do wash mine and date them but I do give a lot away. My bartender and my massage therapist ask for eggs as part of their tip. Ummm Ok!!!!
I read that somewhere too but can't remember where either. I do wash mine and date them but I do give a lot away. My bartender and my massage therapist ask for eggs as part of their tip. Ummm Ok!!!!
Haha, before my surgical days I bartended for about 15 years. Which between that and playing soccer is why I ended up in surgery! I know what you mean! Great tips!
you are right ice bath is an essential step.

I thought everyone on earth did this? Hahaha! It's often silly how when you learn something as a child you think EVERYONE does the same :')
I will make a note about this to add this to my page about eggs.
Thanks for making me realise that what I do is not automatically what everyone does; and I need to add information for éveryone :)
Even fresh eggs can be easy to peel if you use an egg punch before you boil. I bought a $15 egg cooker on Amazon and I use it all the time. If you boil eggs often it's well worth it. punch each egg, fill the measuring cup with water to desired doneness and push the button. When the buzzer goes off peel and enjoy.:drool
I have found steaming eggs using a metal veggie steamer in the bottom of a sauce pan for 20 minutes produces the most easily peeled eggs EVER! The only thing easier would be if they peeled themselves. Now, with an Instant Pot, I steam 2-3 dozen at a time. Fresh laid eggs were like peeling a mosaic and then lost half the egg when peeling until I learned the steam method and now they are a joy to peel....every time!

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