Questions about my broody hen.


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Johnstown Pa
I have a light brahama who thinks she is broody. This is what she does, she decides she wants to sit. So I'll give her some golf balls to sit on. Then in the evening, she lays a egg and gets off her nest???? I don't get it. Why would she sit ALL day and lay an egg and change her mind???
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I've noticed some of my game hens, before they start sitting, go through a stage real similar to this. They spend about a week or so 'prepping'. Has she gone completely bald underneath? Or at least pulled quite a few feathers? ALL of my broody hens pull feathers from their bellies. It helps keep the eggs warmer.
I've noticed some of my game hens, before they start sitting, go through a stage real similar to this. They spend about a week or so 'prepping'. Has she gone completely bald underneath? Or at least pulled quite a few feathers? ALL of my broody hens pull feathers from their bellies. It helps keep the eggs warmer.
I didn't take notice to this, I will check her tommorw. So you think she will eventually just go full on broody?
There's a good possibility, yes. Has she started 'clucking'? Does she get really defensive of the nest? Any spikes in her temperature? These are all signs of a hen going broody.
Oh my goodness!!! That's horrifying!!! I never knew a chicken could do that. It's like a cujo in chicken form! Anyways, no, she has never done that. But like I said she has only ever sat for 8-9 hours at a time. But when I put feed in my hand today, and offered it to her, I was pecked very hard. Then I tried to take her egg(golf ball) from underneath of her, and I got another really hard peck! I just wanted to give it back to he and see if she would roll in underneath if her like Iv seen in videos. Lol
This is the typical broody sound. (Credit to ADozenGirlz)
Does she make these noises and protect her eggs when you come near her?

That's just funny!

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