Questions about raising waterfowl for processing/eggs


Sep 3, 2020
Memphis, TN
So I've tried to find the answer to this question independently, but I can't find a straight answer. If you want to raise waterfowl for both eggs and meat, and don't really have the space to separate the ones you're keeping for each purpose, are you gonna have a bad time come processing day?

I have plenty of experience with chickens and I haven't noticed any real issues when removing flock members for processing (usually surplus cockerels from a grow out pen, I prefer to sell the pullets) but I'm worried that ducks and geese might form stronger attachments to their flock. I suppose what I want to know is it likely the birds are going to become depressed when I remove the ones I'm raising for meat? Is it best to do this as soon as possible (most sources I've found say to process ducks @ 7-8 weeks and geese @ 9 weeks at the earliest) or is it okay to wait or does it make no difference? I just want to minimize the suffering in whatever way I can :|
Yeah, I was worried that might be the case. Probably sooner rather than later then, right? Because I can't keep all of them...the ratio would be way off (too many males).

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