Questions about the fowl pox vaccine

I'd like to again thank those who replied. Their posts were very helpful & I learned a lot from the links provided.

I continued to research well into the wee hours last night...
I think I read every post on BYC that had to do with the fowl pox vaccine going back to 2009?! Not to mention Google searches & visiting every Department of Agriculture website for every state in the south!

Ultimately I've decided not to vaccinate my flock at this time.
As it stands they are showing little to no symptoms & are otherwise healthy. It seems to be a mild case of dry pox & by now most or all of the flock have been exposed. I'm afraid that the stress of the vaccine itself (especially during the brutally hot Florida summer) could do more harm than good. Also, assuming all goes well, they should then have lifetime immunity to fowl pox on their own.
If I were dealing with wet pox or more severe signs of illness then I would not hesitate to vaccinate the healthy birds and I do plan on giving the vaccine & boosters to any new chicks I may add to my flock down the road.
I hope this information is useful to anyone else dealing with these problems.
I'd like to again thank those who replied. Their posts were very helpful & I learned a lot from the links provided.

I continued to research well into the wee hours last night...
I think I read every post on BYC that had to do with the fowl pox vaccine going back to 2009?! Not to mention Google searches & visiting every Department of Agriculture website for every state in the south!

Ultimately I've decided not to vaccinate my flock at this time.
As it stands they are showing little to no symptoms & are otherwise healthy. It seems to be a mild case of dry pox & by now most or all of the flock have been exposed. I'm afraid that the stress of the vaccine itself (especially during the brutally hot Florida summer) could do more harm than good. Also, assuming all goes well, they should then have lifetime immunity to fowl pox on their own.
If I were dealing with wet pox or more severe signs of illness then I would not hesitate to vaccinate the healthy birds and I do plan on giving the vaccine & boosters to any new chicks I may add to my flock down the road.
I hope this information is useful to anyone else dealing with these problems.
Hoping for the best!
Hey I am currently dealing with this. Did you vaccinate your chickens that were showing symptoms? I want to but i am nervous!
Actually I never did vaccinate my flock. A few of them showed mild symptoms for about a month but otherwise they were all fine. It's a year later and they are all doing quite well.
Fowl pox must me more prevalent in FL. My birds had a pox outbreak, and it was no big deal because it was dry pox. They had lesions for a week or so. I dabbed iodine on them daily, and they dried right up. No one even showed signs of feeling poorly. Of course, it wasn't the wet pox, and I didn't have any chicks. I didn't even know there was a vaccine.

This is all very interesting. Thanks for all the good info on this thread!
Not quite 4 weeks ago I saw one hen out of 30 with a couple of lesions on comb, and then found one rooster (in separate small flock) with a few. Separated the hen, vaccinated everyone immediately. Over the next few days another hen showed signs (bad scabs over eyes) so she went to keep the separated girl company until they looked better and the vaccine had time to take effect. We do have hordes of hungry mosquitoes and so far just one other hen has one black pox spot and one other rooster has a hoping the vaccine took effect on a good number of them. Time will tell as I read it can spread slowly but I'm hopeful. Interestingly, though the vaccine may have slowed down laying for a couple of hens, it didn't affect the others at all and some young ones have started laying after being vaccinated. I'd give it to all your chickens and hope! Edited to add: I didn't realize this was an old thread, but now the opinions are here for anyone searching in future. BTW, I did give the vaccine to the affected birds with no ill effects.

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