Questions from a newbie, help!


Nov 6, 2015
Washington State
I have 6 chicks, 4 are a little over 2 weeks old and 2 and just over 1 week old. The 1 week olds are significantly smaller than the big girls, but they do seem to be eating and drinking enough. They all seem to get severely stressed when I change their bedding or try to hold them. It makes me not even want to try picking them up because they freak out so badly. What do I do here, pick them up more or leave them be? My kids also want to hold them all the time and I want the birds to be used to the kids. Any advice here? Also, one of my 1 week old chicks has been starting to get pasted up since yesterday. I have wiped it off with a warm wet paper towel but what should I do to treat it/fix it? Its just the one chick that is pasting up, hopefully there others dont start.
Mine also got stressed about being held until they figured out that I was the food-giver at about 3weeks old. It helps if you can come at them from the side instead of over the top...less like a predator that way.

Check the temp of your brooder as overheating is a common cause of pasty butt. If you can add electrolytes/vitamins/probiotics to the water for a few days that may help it get over it and won't hurt the other chicks.
Mine also got stressed about being held until they figured out that I was the food-giver at about 3weeks old. It helps if you can come at them from the side instead of over the top...less like a predator that way.

Check the temp of your brooder as overheating is a common cause of pasty butt. If you can add electrolytes/vitamins/probiotics to the water for a few days that may help it get over it and won't hurt the other chicks.

Thank you. The brooder is definitely not too hot so I know that isnt it. I will have to find a creative way to come from the sides rather than top... They are in our old pack n play from the kids! I will look into the probiotics.
I had one chick who was prone to pasty butt even though all the rest were fine. I had to clean her off on a daily basis, or twice a day. She's now a happy healthy big chicken so I guess she was just a high maintenance chick.
Do your chicks act scared if you just sit by the brooder and talk to them? Is it only when you handle them?
My girls were fine with being held if I scooped them from underneath....I don't think they like being held from above because it reminds them of predators.
I had one chick who was prone to pasty butt even though all the rest were fine. I had to clean her off on a daily basis, or twice a day. She's now a happy healthy big chicken so I guess she was just a high maintenance chick.
Do your chicks act scared if you just sit by the brooder and talk to them? Is it only when you handle them?

Only when I try to pick them up. I spend lots of time sitting next to the brokder observing them with my boys so they hear us talkigg all the time.
What breeds do you have?
Here's another thing to try if you haven't already- we spent time with them out of the brooder, but not actually holding them. We would get two or three of them out (they were bolder if they had a buddy) and sit on the floor with them. They usually explored a little bit but only went a few feet from us. Then we would put our hands down on the ground and they always got interested in my rings and would start pecking them. One chick would always get fascinated by my freckles and peck at them, which was so cute. We would put them back in the brooder after a few minutes so they wouldn't get cold, and then get others out. I think the change in scenery distracted them from getting scared.
I would feed them medicated chick food atleast til they lay there first egg cause it will hurt there kidneys cause they have not fully developed

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