questions on pipping overdue eggs yourself


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Morgantown, Ky
I've heard ppl on here say that they have occasionally pipped incubator eggs themselves and have had a little success in getting them to hatch. How do you know where to pip, the air sac obviously but I had 3 overdues in my bator that I popped the top off of and the sack inside was really stuck to the chicks, they never made it out. I tried to do as little damage as possible by just breaking the sack around the beak but couldn't really tell where the head was and had to dig around a little and do a lot of damage. Anybody have any advise on how to do this better?
I've been saving a few this way. Honestly, I get more heartbreak than success. Had a B. C. Maran, my wife and I helped and helped. Finally got it up on it's feet. It's a pullet! Murphy hasn't won yet!!!! Have exellent results on Seramas, have been doing all the work for many of them! They don't bleed, like a bigger chick and for the most part seem to just get up and go! Have 1 in the incubator, now. Just waiting for it to get 100%. The eggs were shipped way too far. Only 2 finished development, of 9. 1 dead when I popped his top. The only survivor was weak but is trying to stand tonight and I think he will make it!!! The last hatch, 2 pipped and stopped. I finished the work for them. 3 others, I did it all! All 5 are doing fine after 8 days. Non that were alive when I broke the shell, had any serious problems. Good luck, take what you save and don't feel too bad about the ones that don't make it.. Tim

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