Questions regarding mites


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Red Rock
Here's hoping this is the right forum for this.

While I have yet to see anything on my birds during my weekly sneak out with a flashlight and look close excursions, I wanted to get some information and a search overloaded my eyeballs.

I know Sevin is a commonly used treatment. If one was to add Sevin to bathing sand, what would a good Sevin to sand ratio be?

All the pics I have come across for scaly leg mites are usually after the legs look extremely scabby. What does a just starting infestation look like? This way I will know and can treat before they get really crunky.

Other than DE, what other preventative is out there that works on mites in general that can be applied so that I really don't need to worry about doing the Sevin thing at midnight and risk one of my usually docile sweethearts turning into a cranky monster for being woken up and beat me repeatedly in the head with their wings?

Thanks in advance!

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