Quick Egg Selling Rant....

Whitehouse Quail

10 Years
Jul 1, 2009
Sorry, but this is just bugging me! (Not directed at anyone on BYC.)

Do you ever have a customer that will not let anything go? This guy bought a pre order, and I told him a projected ship date. I then emailed him two weeks before my projection and pushed it out indefintely, as our weather was not facilitating laying in the quail barn, if you catch my drift. He says okay. Earlier this week, I receive an email asking what my excuse is going to be for not shipping them out. I sucked it up and took it, but it still made me a little frustrated! I've not been making excuses, I've been telling the truth and never making promises I couldn't keep. He views it as me being a shoddy seller, trying to screw him over. Ugh!

Thanks for letting me rant, no one else in my county understands why egg selling is such a finicky business.
so tell him that if he wants his eggs quicker, he can lay them himself.

but no, really, thats too bad that he doesn't understand it takes time and the right conditions to lay. Sorry
Hi! That would be a simple one for me. *I* would refund his payment and tell him I will email when eggs are available again.
No harm, no foul --- but I do not like to keep people waiting for eggs that might or might not be laid.
Good luck!

ps: I've never pre-sold or bought pre-sold eggs, so maybe the indefinite waiting is a given with 'pre-sold' eggs?
just give him back his money...
I also would never order and pre-pay for eggs that arent laid yet...lol
I've pre-ordered so I could keep my small brooder busy and because I wanted 60 eggs. So, being able to pre-order and ask for a projected delivery date is a great service I much apprechiate.

You're not a shoddy seller, he is a rude customer and if I was you, I'd refund the man and no longer take his business, life is too short to deal with folks that don't have manners.

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