Quick question, please re plants/gardens around chickens


6 Years
May 22, 2014
Texas boonies
Wasn't quite sure where to post, but this is about the design of my chicken yard, LoL...do any of you know of one list, somewhere on this giant World Wide Web, that lists plants that are toxic to chickens AND horses? I find some things I want to plant that are ok for chickens, but then I have to go search about horses and learn it is toxic to them! And vice versa! LoL it is growing frustrating! My horses stick their heads into the netting around the girls yard, so I have to be mindful of what I plant and where! I haven't found a list that covers both creatures in one place, yet, so thought I would see if any of y'all may have encountered such a thing! Plenty of lists online that cover one or the other, but not both together. I am going back and forth and back and forth! :p Thank you!
Wasn't quite sure where to post, but this is about the design of my chicken yard, LoL...do any of you know of one list, somewhere on this giant World Wide Web, that lists plants that are toxic to chickens AND horses? I find some things I want to plant that are ok for chickens, but then I have to go search about horses and learn it is toxic to them! And vice versa! LoL it is growing frustrating! My horses stick their heads into the netting around the girls yard, so I have to be mindful of what I plant and where! I haven't found a list that covers both creatures in one place, yet, so thought I would see if any of y'all may have encountered such a thing! Plenty of lists online that cover one or the other, but not both together. I am going back and forth and back and forth!
Thank you!

horses have more delicate systems than chickens... I can't think of anything that a horse can eat that a chicken couldn't eat....

So, plant stuff from the list of things that are OK for horses, the chickens will be fine.

and anyway, ....well... the chickens will end up eating their yard down to the dirt.....

You can make grow frames that will protect the ground from the chickens, and have things grow up through the grow frame....

Also, the chickens are good with well established and large bushes.

anyway, good luck!
Thank you! I do believe we will have boxes as you mentioned! I think it would be great if someone made a site that listed plants, trees, etc that were toxic to various animals, you know, that you may find coexisting in the country, in one easy to read form! I am not sure I have what it takes to do that! Or what about an app that could tell us? I would pay for that app! Type in the name of a plant and find out to whom/what it may be toxic! Sigh. Wish i knew how to write apps! :)
In all my years of raising chickens and all the people I know that raise chickens I don't believe I have ever heard a story about a chicken eating any kind of plant and getting sick or injured. They seem to eat everything but actually are very picky eaters and appear to have instant taste. I throw stuff out and they examine it and walk away if they don't like it. A couple full size hens can tear through a garden like a biblical plague. One second you have plants and are looking forward to a harvest and the next you are on your knees sobbing in the middle of a dirt patch where it looks nothing has ever grown. Protect your plants.
I would be much more concerned with poisons, plastics and clean water. Also things that can get them hurt ... deep water buckets fence they can get a body part hung up in etc.

Horse's on the other hand ..... wow there is a list a mile long about all the things that can poison a horse. Best thing at that point is if you are in doubt about it being safe for the horse. Don't plant it or fence around it. People say black walnut leaves will poison a horse and I don't doubt them but my horses are raised under walnut trees and as long as they have good grass and hay they don't ever eat those nasty trees.

Best wishes share some photos with us of the yard :) Also check out Leafsnap App for iPhone or Plantnet for android. they might help
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Thank you! I do believe we will have boxes as you mentioned! I think it would be great if someone made a site that listed plants, trees, etc that were toxic to various animals, you know, that you may find coexisting in the country, in one easy to read form! I am not sure I have what it takes to do that! Or what about an app that could tell us? I would pay for that app! Type in the name of a plant and find out to whom/what it may be toxic! Sigh. Wish i knew how to write apps!

While I am not quite needed that yet since my chicks haven't arrived and we don't have a horse (but daughter wants one!), I think you have a wonderful idea!! An app for that would be great!!

@somedayfarms - thanks for the info about them only eating what they want. And I did have a little laugh at your story, I'm sure it wasn't fun for you though! I am trying to figure out a way to plant some veggies and have a nice free-range area for them. I have been reading a lot and its stories like your that help me figure out which direction to go.
I noticed one day on my farm how even the shadow of a hawk sends my chickens running for cover. They do not come out until the are sure it is clear.
SO I built out of black foam a very life-size hawk shadow shaped kite. I went to Lowes and hauled home a 20ft 1in pvc pipe and anchored it to the ground. In just the slightest breeze this "Hawk" swoops down over my garden on the flexible pole and all my chickens go running for the hills and do not come near my garden.

It works really well. Somewhere i have pictures I will try to find them

The other option I have seen is the bird netting used by orchards and available online at very reasonable prices. It will keep them away from plants and installed right let them wander through the garden eating bugs without letting them have salad as a side dish.

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