Quiet guinea's?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Queensland, Australia
Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any tricks to quiet there guineas at all. My 6 guineas are 6 months old and I did read on here that at this stage they are teenagers and like to make a lot of noise, but they are constant all day until they've been put back in there pen and then they don't stop until it gets dark. Is that normal? And does anyone have any ideas to quieten them down a little? :)
It seems like the more you have, the louder they are. With numbers, they tend to be braver and louder. They hate change. Changing something, even if it's necessary, tends to make them unhappy. I talk to mine. They are quiet as long as I am talking with them and they feel the conversation has run it's course. If I leave early, they let me know they were not done. Fickle creatures, but interesting and worthy of observation.

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