Quietest duck breed?


Duck Obsessed
15 Years
Jan 17, 2009
North Eastern PA
I'm considering getting a duck or two but I need to know what kind of duck is the least noisy. I don't personally care what he looks like but I live in a town with chicken laws so I can't let my neighbors hear them. Thanks!
Muscovy ducks hardly make a sound they hiss or sometimes whistle. You will have to clip flight feathers though otherwise they will be flying around your neighborhood and swimming in neighbors pools. I would vote for Muscovy girls. They are quiet, will produce some eggs, and wont, usually, mount your leg. Best of luck!
Yep, if you are going domestic, you'll have to stay with the ol scovies. There are lots of quite wild breeds, but muscovies are about the only domestic I can think of right off hand.
The ones with the red growths on their faces:th...it figures. I would love to have a hen though...do they lay as often as chickens or less? I would want a duckling but I can never find places that sell muscovies... though. I don't care about noise at all in fact I have a parrot but quacking is very recognizable and I'd surely get in trouble with the popo and all.

Is this a muscovie hen?

Muscovies are fairly good layers- although im not sure of exact figures in comparison to a hen - when colected daily you could get up to 200 eggs a year depending on the climate where you live. They are also known as good broodies too.

They are quite different in many ways to other ducks- and yes much quiter. They have the cutest way of wandering around with their tails wagging. The red carnucling can take a bit to warm to as they do look different from other ducks - but they are usually fairly good natured and can make good pets.
i vote muscovies too. i have a pair and i wouldn't trade them for the world. i originally wanted pekins because i am not a fan on crauncling (the red) but they have such cute personalities and as duckyfromoz said, their tails!!! it's soooooooooooooo cute. my little girl wags her tail anytime you call her name. i sing shake your booty to her (the song) and she shakes her tail it's priceless!! she barely makes any noise, and my drake makes a hissing noise. i swear he laughs at her too. it's sooooooooo funny
As well as Mandarin and Wood ducks are quiet. Depending on the size of your place in town - remember muscovies are a large breed.

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