Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Be strong Sumi, you can get through this!

You're awesome… thank you.

Please don't tell me to kick anything though. I had one of those "Don't give me strength, give me patience. Because if you give me strength, I may hit someone" moments today. Thankfully we live in this truly beautiful place where you can walk a mile and pass about 20 cows, 5 horses a few goats, some chickens… a flock of geese? Gorgeous. And the forest is 10 feet from the back door.
Ok thanks to the both of you for your response. I am going to leave her where she is then, she is in a nest box just a little off the floor. The chicks could leave the nest box but not fall out, it is that low if that makes sense. Day 9 of the broody, found a broken egg in the nest yesterday.

Not sure what to do with all these chickens! Seems chicken math has taken ahold, we have 23 adults, 15 babies (three weeks old) and the Cornish is sitting on 9 eggs. I think I need therapy

On a serious note, we will not be staying in our current living situation. We will have to downsize the flock before we go. It was rather a shock to the system but we are adjusting. We have time to downsize but will need to do it in the next two months. We will try to take a core of the one year old egg layers and the chicks from our hatch, sadly we can take them all. I am afraid we won't be able to keep any of the babies from the Cornish brood hatch, but wanted to let her be a mom at least once. Actually the broody Cornish might be one we hang onto.

I bawled like a baby when we figured out that we would have to downsize. I now have the not so fun task of deciding who is going with and who we will be selling as it is a good time of year to sell layers. I really wanted to hang onto our chicks from our flock as I want to see how they turn out so to speak. I will post a few baby pics, ours are 3 weeks old now.
I've had to do this a few times and it is heart breaking, just did it with 2 drakes hatched here 2&3 yrs ago, and I loved them so much but gosh trying to keep everyone from fighting and abusing the other girls. so I had to make a tough decision and re home 2 it was amazing I was able to find good homes for both and they weren't going to get eaten.

It's easy to get too many especially when you have hens that love to brood.OR we love to incubate. lol one reason I will not by a bator.

Hopefully you'll find good homes for all of yours and feel better about having to give them up.
I love this one. Had a conversation with my son not long ago on this very subject. Satan doesn't have to bother those much that are not being Christ Like. He will...tempt..those that are making headway in a Christ Like life. He knows you..all too well, and knows how to tempt you.


When life is hard, I don't blame satan, he can't make me sick, he can't make me do opposite of what Christ came here to show us what we must do...Choose! Choose how we handle the hard things in life. We have been given "the" example as to how to choose the right way in life. Keep God in our lives every single day, this will keep us strong. :) I'm so thankful for the example Christ gave us while here teaching the Gospel.

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