R.I.P. Red the rooster


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
Sorry if I put this in the wrong place. Didn't see a section for it.

Red went like any rooster would be proud to. He was protecting his flock from two attacking dogs. We shooed them away but we were too late he was too far gone. He managed to keep the dogs busy and saved his flock from them. All the other chickens are perfectly fine and safe. He did not go with out leaving memories. My Mom was so scared of him(he attacked people when they got to close sometimes) ever since he pecked her but she still cried for him and we did what we could to help him. He was a very pretty rooster. A dark crimson red(note the name) and he left three generations of babies for us to remember him by. All in all, I think he went with his pride. He did the one thing all roosters strive to do. Protect their flock no matter what.
Sorry for your loss, but so touched that you give him credit for laying his life down for his girls.

So sorry for your loss. Roos are such amazing critters...the willingly offer up their lives to protect their flocks...it is their job and they do it without hesitation. At least he went doing that.
i lost my red roo Thor the begining of this month....
he was rir, i feel your pain,
he protected his flock from the coyote
...i am sorry... at least you got some babies from him..
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