Rabbit Adopted Me - What Kind?


Apr 4, 2014
Sunday night we had just finished tending our flock of chickens and this little rabbit came into our back yard. She is definitely not a wild rabbit. She is very friendly and was extremely interested in the chickens, sniffing at the run fence and standing up looking in. We caught her and set her up in a pen inside the coop separate from the chickens for the night. I am not sure if she escaped or if someone just let her go. I have not seen any signs posted for a missing rabbit but I intend on caring for her unless someone comes forward.

Any idea what breed she may be? She is small. I am not sure how old she is.

We had not intended on having a rabbit, so any helpful advice or resources would be appreciated.
either way, their droppings make for great fertilizer! no need to wait, apply directly in the garden =)

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