Rabbit breeder's thread!

She'll just go in to feed them, she shouldn't be staying in there with them... just long enough to feed and get out. Don't worry about the babies so long as they have hay and fur - those little buggers can stay warm in just about any weather!
Ya gotta love a rabbit thread on the Chicken forum!

I have bred rabbits for 30 years, pretty much all but the arched breeds, commercial, pet and show. My current focus and passion is on Velveteen Lops.
we have some below zero nights here. the nest box is wood with a hinged lid and a wire bottom. I put a cardboard liner over the wire. I know she goes in. I lift the lid and can see the hay or fur in a different pattern. they will be 1 week old tomorrow. is it ok if I look to see how many there are?
Of course it is! You could have checked the first day she had them too, so long as you do it quickly so the babies don't chill

Edited to add:

At 5 below I probably would have given them a little more heat too. I know they wouldn't need it but still.. poor babies lol Better safe than sorry, I think.
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A few nights ago it was 5 below. I was worried so put a chicken brooder light over the cage with a 40 watt bulb.

DO not put a light on your babies. You can dehydrate them and discourage the mother from feeding by the nest box being to warm for her. Just add extra shavings and hay. You can also buy fake nesting fur. Look up KW cages. I have breed rabbits in freezing weather, as long as there is no drafts or moisture hitting them they will be fine.
Is that if you put a light directly on the nest box? I haven't been tempted to do that yet at all but I've thought about adding a lamp in the shed itself (not on the nestbox) to keep them warm on those awful days. I managed to keep myself from doing it this year though and hopefully we're done with all those whatever-below days
Just really watch the temp in that box. If you stick your hand down in there and feel the babies with and with out the light. Rabbits naturally prefer cooler weather and babies CANNOT regulate heat through their ears when they are in the box still. When their ears open up they can cool off.

What is the temp in your barn? And what breed do you have?
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