Rabbit... Can they eat chicken feed????

I have two Cali rabbits that live in the chicken shed and yard I have to say they seem to love it they sun with the chickens have fresh grass hay and high protein chicken feed I personally think living a life of pretty much freedom over a small wire cage would have to be better. They camp out under the nesting boxes where the chickens can't go when they are in the shed so I guess they do have their own area but all in all everyone seems to be happy
Such rubbish! I've had rabbits in with broilers, with ducks and geese and with layers without ever a problem. Thing about it people!
So we are getting ready to get some chickens this week, and just got two young bunnies today. Had thought about putting the rabbit hutch in the run, or even in the coop - 12X12.

Right now the bunnies have the run of the coop, so another idea was to section off a 4X4 area for the bunnies inside the coop.

We will have about 12 chickens. Coop is 12X12, and Run is 10X16 with the area under the coop as well.

Should I be making a separate hutch and run for the bunnies?
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mine just went in together after escaping they seem happy together. nice to hear someone else didn't have a problem with them

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