Rabbit issue.


Free Ranging
7 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho
Hi everyone,

I’ve been noticing that my rabbit hasn’t been eating or drinking that much. It might be related to the drought going on here where I live. She is an outdoor rabbit, has her own run in the shade, and her name is Sophie. She is around 8 years old.

Today, I went out to check on her, she was eating a little bit, but slowly. Then, she went to the spot she usually lays down at, flopped, and has been laying like this for 10 minutes.


I have to say, I’m a little worried. If she hasn’t been eating and drinking that much, especially in the intense heat we’ve been having, I’m worried something might be wrong.

She’s been breathing pretty fast while she lays down like this also.

Is it possible that it’s just too hot outside for her and that I need to bring her inside? I can do that if needed.

If that’s not the issue, I don’t know what the issue is.

Any help or advice you guys can give me will be appreciated.

8 years old? She's an old lady - you have done a great job with her. I would guess that the excessive heat is bothering her even more than usual because of her age.
Thanks for getting back so quickly. I just brought her inside for observation and cooling down.
Warning: gross photo

A new symptom showed up last night. She seem to be doing fine so I put her back outside. I then noticed this in the observation cage


That brown liquid is urine. I have never seen it that color before. I’m pretty sure there is a problem now.
Warning: gross photo

A new symptom showed up last night. She seem to be doing fine so I put her back outside. I then noticed this in the observation cage

View attachment 2769623

That brown liquid is urine. I have never seen it that color before. I’m pretty sure there is a problem now.
Shes probably dehydrated.
Has she been drinking plenty of water?
That sounds like she's having a hard time with the heat to me. What do you use for water? I used to keep rabbits in SW USA and we'd use this style bowl so that they could curl up around it to cool off. On really hot days we would add ice to the bowl. https://www.chewy.com/ethical-pet-s...MItKrFmIT38QIVAa7ICh3YqAi9EAQYDiABEgLoSvD_BwE
I've also heard of people freezing water bottles (but watch to make sure they don't chew it) or using cookie jars or similar with ice water in them.
Well, she hasn’t been drinking that much. But I’ve always left a bowl of water for her. She has been refusing to drink it, though. She doesn’t drink that often, for some reason.
Hmm that's not good. Rabbits often drink as much as a large dog.

Has she been acting normally otherwise?

Give her some water based fruits or veggies that she's had before to get some water in her.
Could you try to give her a bit of water through a syringe?
Hmm that's not good. Rabbits often drink as much as a large dog.

Has she been acting normally otherwise?

Give her some water based fruits or veggies that she's had before to get some water in her.
Could you try to give her a bit of water through a syringe?
She’s been behaving normally otherwise. I really don’t know what’s going on. Maybe she’s getting her water another way that I don’t know of.

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