Rabbit Question


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Jefferson, Wisconsin
So I have a problem with my female mini rex - I had a piece of wood (I think it was a 2 X 6) in her cage to sit on to get up off the wire. Well my stupid rabbit decided that was also a good place to go to the bathroom. I just noticed tonight that around her bottom is red and missing hair. What should I do? Should I wash her up and put some ointment on it (I've got a wound care cream for dogs & horses - would that work for her too?).

Any thoughts?

*Oh, and I took the piece of wood out today.
well...there are a lot of possibilities...im assuming the red is in her skin and not blood or urine.? i would say wash her by trying to clean the area with a wet paper towel. im not sure about the cream tho but id say no. you should also put some kind of bedding in the cage (straw or shavings) for her to sit on instead of the wire to prevent sore hocks/feet.
If she was bloody from the wood then give her a while and see if it starts healing and if you think it may be a bacterial/ internal problem you could give her some yogurt with the food.
This is all just from experience but i hope it works and she feels better!
Sounds like you have the right plan of action. In addition, we use untreated drywall squares to let them get their feet off the wire. We place it where they don't pee (they seem to prefer a certain corner). The drywall also gives them something to chew on and it's good for their teeth. It's just gypsum = calcium. It's also easy to replace when it gets soiled, and the soiled pieces we use in the garden as a path or toss it in the compost. We get the drywall scraps from contractor friends = FREE!
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If you go the drywall route, make sure it's the cheaper kind with no additives. If I remember right, some of it has fiberglass additives, obviously bad for bunny to be eating!

It sounds like your doe has a case of hutch burn, and in that case keeping her cage as clean and dry as possible is a good idea. A triple antibiotic ointment might help too, just make sure not to use a thick layer.

We use EZ Mats for our buns, which gives them a spot to get off the wire, but still stays pretty dry and clean.
Probably a good investment for a Mini Rex, since they can be prone to sore hocks.

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