Rabbit: Slight Front-to-back Misalignment of Maxillary Incisors


13 Years
Oct 20, 2009

Last month our rabbit broke his right pair of upper incisors after a fall. The vet said they might grow back, and luckily they have! We checked him again about 2 weeks ago and the vet said everything looked good so far.

So, now that they're almost fully back, I am wondering if anyone can tell me whether or not it's a problem that the regrown pair of maxillary incisors are now meeting slightly behind (~0.5-1mm) the other pair? -Will this develop into an overlap? -Is flush-alignment possible again?

Here are the best pictures I could take by myself.....
Screen shot 2022-08-02 at 2.31.56 PM.png

Screen shot 2022-08-02 at 2.32.02 PM.png

You can see from the front it looks quite okay. -Still needs to grow back a bit, though:
Screen shot 2022-08-02 at 2.34.52 PM.png

Thanks for any info./help!
You'll only really know if they fail to wear, in which case he'll need regular trims. For now just keep a close eye on him. Possibly weigh him 2x a week. He'll be losing weight before you notice anything else, and regular weighs will make sure you catch it quick.

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