Rabbit with flaky crust inside her ears UPDATE post #14


12 Years
May 29, 2007
Chicken Country, U S A
So a new rescue was recently given to me, and she is great other than a bit of crusty-lookin flaky scab in her ears.
I was figuring to just rinse it out with a dog/cat ear wash type stuff.

I have never seen this before, and cant find too much info about it.
The rabbit used to live on the ground, and is now in a hutch here at my house.

This rabbit is a rescue and is across the yard from the others(which have no signs of crust in their ears).

Here are some pics . . .



Anybody have any ideas???
I do/have not seen any bugs runnin around on or near the area . . . not to say they couldnt be there and very tiny.
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That is ear mites, you can mix one part campho-phenique (cold sore medicine ) and 2 parts sweet oil and apply with an eye dropper 2 times a week and it will clear them up
Ahh, I posted before I saw your reply.
Now this sounds like something I can handle.

Tho I dont have any cold sores . . .

What is sweet oil?
Whenever I need plain unscented oils, I use mineral oil, would that work?

Basically just choke the little buggers out, right?
I dont wanna have to clean a bunch of oil from in her ears tho . . .

She is friendly enough, but doesnt really like me messing with her [sensitive] ears . . .
Probably wont cost over 10 dollars if you have the eye droppers already.

I keep this mixture in my fridge cause it works on dogs , horses and other animals that may get mites.
Ahh, I posted before I saw your reply.
Now this sounds like something I can handle.

Tho I dont have any cold sores . . .

What is sweet oil?
Whenever I need plain unscented oils, I use mineral oil, would that work?

Basically just choke the little buggers out, right?
I dont wanna have to clean a bunch of oil from in her ears tho . . .

She is friendly enough, but doesnt really like me messing with her [sensitive] ears . . .

you can get sweet oil at walmat or any pharmacy.

Yes it smothers them and loosens them where when the rabbit shakes it head they will come out.
So basically-

Just spray/squirt oil LIBERALLY into the ears . . .

She will shake the excess out, as well as the mites . . .

Is there no danger from her ears filling up with oil?

How do I make sure they do not come back, or are they just here now for good . . . ?
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That it and no danger from them filling up with oil, it will be a bit greasy for a bit but she will feel 100 percent better.

Just keep an eye on her ears, if you see anything deep in the ear repeat the drops, it is not uncommon for rabbits to get ear mites.
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