Rabbit's DON'T belong in cages!!!

Uugh! I totally forgot to cage my fruit trees that I bought last year and as a result, my free-ranged bunnies have completely girdled a half dozen of the young trees.

So guess who is having to take a quick lesson in bridge grafting.....wish me luck in that most (if not all) of the grafts take.

And yes, the bunnies are still free-ranging.
I'm going to be getting four rex rabbits here in a few weeks, and I'm planning on colony raising them. The bucks will get their own run, and the does will get their own run.
I have a few questions:

1: Will the bucks fight, and is it only if they see the does? Should the bucks' run be divided up?

2: Does that are getting ready to kindle will go in all-wire hutches, and will stay there until the kits are three weeks to a month old. Will the does be upset by the (temporary) transition?

If you plan on keeping any of the kits from the litters, then keep the pregnant does in with the un pregnant does, the does do not beep to be seperated,

With the bucks: if the pens big enough then they should be fine together but keep an eye on them when does are ready to breed if there runs are by each other

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