rabbits eye is cloudy


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 13, 2013
one of my rabbits eye is cloudy, I dont know why so i'm coming here for help! its only about half cloudy???
It sounds like it could be a cataract. Many of my rabbits have had them in the past - I treated them with eye drops from the vet. Does he seem to have problems with vision at all ?
Not that I know of. I will try to get a pict tomorrow! He only has it in one I which I thought was weird?
A cataract is clouding of the lens inside the eye; a condition that is relatively common in old animals. Cloudiness of the cornea (the clear part on the outside of the eye), can happen as the result of injury or infection. Is the eye watery/weeping? Any sort of discharge around the eye? It's possible that there might be some foreign body (a piece of hay, for example) on the inside of the eyelid, causing irritation, or the rabbit's eye might have gotten poked or scratched by something else. Flushing the eye out with saline solution (like is used for contact lenses) can help to wash out things that shouldn't be there, though an infection may need a prescription antibiotic from the vet in the form of eyedrops to clear it up.
. I don't know if u can see it? He wouldn't stay still! There is no discharge coming from the eye!

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