Raccoon...A Dirty Word!

I am new to the chicken world and after reading this blog, I am wondering if my girls are safe in their coop. I have them inside of a large dog pen that is about 6 feet tall. Since they are young, they have a smaller pen inside that snugs up the their coop. But, as they get bigger I plan to take out the smaller run and let them have the whole pen to enjoy. Do I need to re-enforce the top as well as I did the sides before I let them go?
yes you do, see in a pen they can not get away making them easy for the taken. i use chicken wire on the top og my brooder pen to keep the coopers hawks out.
I'd renforce the walls and make the holes really small because a raccoon can rip a chicken's head off through holes, literally.
Coons can also destroy hardwear cloth and chicken wire so planning is key especially on a budget.
Coons can also destroy hardwear cloth and chicken wire so planning is key especially on a budget.
They can bend car plates if they feel hungry enough! They'll go for the easier meal, but if there isn't they'll use their evil crafty hands and try to force their way in.
Agreed about the use of dogs and the fact they can be turned around. Our first summer with my border collie/chow pair, Hank and Patsy, they chased and killed 6 of our goslings. That behavior was modified immediately when I whipped 'em with a belt. BTW, that was the first and last time I've ever whooped 'em. They have never touched or even act like they see any birds since. Except when the chickens peck them laying in the yard, then they just move. Amazing! I know Hank has killed raccoons cuz I've found them in the garage in the morning. They must be watching from the woods becuz the first night I had boarded the dogs the night before a trip, 2 raccoons showed up in the dog kennel we use for the chickens after dark. Which brings me to the automatic chicken coop door. That thing has saved my chickens and my sanity. EVERYONE should get one. Wish I was savvy enough to be able to make them myself to sell. I plan on installing a motion light as a last means of defense just to help the dogs and us to spot them. Theres no overkill on raccoon and weasel defenses!
Now I am really worried. Really? Raccoons can get through 1/2" hardware cloth? I have a large (7' tall) window in the back of the coop. Since it is double hung, I leave the top and the bottom open some. The entire thing is covered, from the outside, by hardware cloth, held in place by screws and washers.(not staples). It is, essentially, at ground level. It seems very secure. If racoons can bust through that, somehow, how does anyone keep their birds safe and still have ventilation? Hardware cloth is not cheap. I thought it was about as secure as I could get for fencing!

Good news about the dogs being rehabilitated. I have a couple retrievers who are very interested in my birds as they are bred for it and, in fact, trained for it (particularly they like those guinea fowl). We have had one session with the e-collar, but the birds are not free ranging yet, so I suspect there will be another lesson or two as that occurs. I know what exactly what is meant by "now the dogs act like they dont even see the birds..." I hope my boys are as smart ...because no one is going nowhere ....

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