Raccoon atack: survivor ingered badly


6 Years
Jan 5, 2015
My chickens got atacked by a ratccoon! One was killed but one survived. It appears gotten dragged under a hole in the fence by it's leg but somehow got away and survived the day. It is missind skin on it's leg and have holes in a few scales from teeth....

please help
My experiences with chicken wounds is to keep them warm and comfortable for the first few days, shock will kill them, then let it heal, keeping stress down and not messing too much with it as well as feeding and watering them and getting them exercising as tolerated after a few days. I have seen some nasty wounds heal up. In a day or so assess if the leg is broken and see how it's healing. If you feel the chicken is suffering too much I would cull to end it's suffering. With deep wounds I don't try to mess with them nor cover them. Good luck.
Thank you! We cleaned it very well... I have Hydrogen Peroxide to rinse it and I have gawz to wrap it. Should I do that?
My experiences with chicken wounds is to keep them warm and comfortable for the first few days, shock will kill them, then let it heal, keeping stress down and not messing too much with it as well as feeding and watering them and getting them exercising as tolerated after a few days. I have seen some nasty wounds heal up. In a day or so assess if the leg is broken and see how it's healing. If you feel the chicken is suffering too much I would cull to end it's suffering. With deep wounds I don't try to mess with them nor cover them. Good luck.
I wouldn't wrap it at this point. Gently apply antibiotic ointment WITHOUT PAIN RELEIVER on the wound. Keep it warm, and comfortable. Subdue the lighting, if possible. The skin will regranulate. In a couple days, then you can check for further damage.
Don't use peroxide as it will bubble healthy tissue as well as damaged, however you could use vaseline or an equivalent and wrap it with gauze, and keep it as clean as possible, oh and warm water will rinse it well for the time being.
Don't wrap it, you don't want the top closing up first and trapping infection, wrapping is only good if it's bleeding. Leaving it exposed is best, don't be surprised if you see her trying to pick at it and tend to it, let her do it. Some antibiotic ointment is okay but not long term, it is counter to what we want to do, but less is more.
Stinking raccoons! So sorry that happened. Saline solution (contact lens solution)or very diluted betadine would be fine for cleansing, but I agree, no peroxide and no wrap. That's all I can add to the great suggestions already posted. Keep in mind though, the coon got a meal and will be back. Best of luck!
Don't use peroxide as it will bubble healthy tissue as well as damaged, however you could use vaseline or an equivalent and wrap it with gauze, and keep it as clean as possible, oh and warm water will rinse it well for the time being.
I thoroughly cleaned it then rinsed it. I put some pain killer free wound cleaner on it and loosely wrapped it in gawz. I put her in a crate in my house and offered her strawberries and water. She eagerly eat the strawberries. In the morning I will use a medicine plundger to make her drink and I will offer her normal food. Will Vet RX in her water help anything? Thanks!
Just a moment ago she was standing up on her good leg eating. She can't put weight on the bad one though.... How can I tell if it is broken or dislocated? How can I fix that? It is possible that it is nether and it is just painful, though.
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