I'd definitely drown it. Depending on your local animal services, they might simply let it go somewhere else. Be sure you have arranged (ahead of time) for a big enough tub of water to take trap and all. And SAY NOTHING. Who knows what animal rights person would have a hissy and find some obscure law against eliminating a major flock predator...

We have an owl and a couple of hawks that feel our yard is a free-for-all predator buffet. Not much we can do about it since I believe that they are both protected animals
The owl is not so bad since the chickens roost up at night, but the hawks are around during the day and we prefer our chickens to free range. They first started with our d'uccles, then when we penned them up, they started for the silkies (which were too big for them to carry off so they just took the heads:barnie). Not sure what we can do except pen up all the chickens and have unhappy birds. I am worried that the owl will start in on the turkeys since they sleep on the fence at night; I would hate to find my Turk Turk headless in the morning...
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It's trapping season. Post up a "trapper wanted" thread on your local hunting forum. He will take care of your problem and it's free.
You could capture them with a trap and drown them in a 55 gallon drum or shoot them. It is against the law where we live to so technically i cannot say what happens to them at our house. I do not eat my chickens and I would expect that they would not either. We have taken every precaution and have raccoons out by our coop every night. We did not have any killed until this past summer when we were on vacation. They pried open a vent and killed our entire flock in one night. We went so far as to build a brand new coop that has a totally enclosed run with hardware cloth and cattle fencing. I realize they are just trying to eat BUT they dont even eat them most of the time. They killed 15 in one night -what raccoon can eat 15 chickens in one night? They clearly were not just looking for food. IMO they are vile animals that are mean and nasty! Good luck- I have finally realized it is a never ending battle. We can literally catch one a night every night for months ...so be prepared to do that if you trap them.
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Rule of thumb for me. Every animal on my farm, dog, cat, or chicken has to get along with everybody else..... No exceptions. Now if it is roosters doing there fighting with anouther rooster, that is different. Something walks into my yard, what ever it may be. Dog, cat, coon, possum, and they cause trouble. They are taken care of and that is the end of it. No second chances! I say nothing, and go on about what I am doing.
I lost 3 chickens ;so I built a trap I got from U tube. I've caught, 25 opossums, 1 fox, 1 raccoon. I spray paint the opossums tails PINK.Then take them somewhere & let them go.At that time I let them know if they return it = death!! I had 3 return. I now take them further away. I caught all of these in less than 4 weeks. I haven't caught anything in the last week. Who is the man now?
By all means catch it one way or another. Firearms always questionable in town. Bow and arrow works well or a 2 x 4 with a spike. DO NOT TRY TO HANDLE WITH HANDS OR GLOVES UNLESS DEAD!!!

I have also used a hunting knife attached to broom handle.

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