Raccoons and traps


7 Years
Jun 28, 2012
Ok, so last year, all of these wonderful people gave us some terrific ideas about getting rid of raccoons. We did get rid of them by the middle of summer without any casualties. Now there is another raccoon, at least one who has taken 2 of our chickens. We secured the chickens even more and last night the raccoon tried to get into the chicken house. We ran out there twice and scared the raccoon away. We're worried that it is getting hungrier and will try harder. Tonight I'm picking up red LED lights to place around the chicken yard. We also did the ammonia rag trick but that doesn't seem to be working this year.

Any ideas? We've thought about setting a trap but everything we've read said that we should be experienced in trapping? Any thoughts on this. Our son and son-in-laws are thinking about doing a slumber party on the roof with pellet guns. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We can't discharge a fire arm in our area.

Thanks so much in advance.
Set a trap or 2 by the coop.I got over 20 with apple,carrot,cantelope,marshmallow.Try empty cans of cat food,tuna,sardine.
In most places a pellet gun is not considered a FIREarm.

Being educated on trapping is not difficult at all. I'm not saying that watching a few YouTube videos or, doing a Google search will instruct you enough to make a living trapping fur bearing animals. But, if you do a YouTube search on just "dirt-hole sets" and another search for "DP or dog-proof traps", you will get all of the help you need to catch a determined raccoon from killing your chickens.

My results with cage-type traps are worst than my success with any other type traps I've used.

That raccoon is one determined animal and should be relatively easy to catch.
If you catch one in a dog proof coon trap you can just bonk him in the head with a bat.
These traps are super easy to use just bait with marshmallow, one under the trigger and one laying on top. He will eat the one on top and then go for the other one. Gotcha

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So, I'm wondering if a pellet gun is a good idea. Also, with the live trap, we don't really want to kill the raccoon but we would prefer to relocate it. If we bonk it on the head with a baseball bat, would that just knock it out. Is there any safe way to pick up the trap? I'm looking at YouTube later today.

We didn't have any problems last night.. We put up red LED lights on the fence and chicken house. We also soaked rags in regular ammonia and also sprayed white vinegar around the chicken yard. Tonight I'm buying battery powered motion detector light.
If you don't want to kill it, you need a live trap. Bonk it on the head is inhumane and if it wakes up, you're in serious trouble. A pellet gun is likely just to anger it and not a long term solution. Re locating, if not far enough, it will find its home territory. Far enough away and you are pawning your troubles on someone else.

Not liking the killing idea? Would you kill to protect your children?

You have a decision to make. The raccoon is only doing what it is genetically engineered to do. Bringing chickens, you are encroaching on its territory.
Either remove the temptation (chickens) or kill to protect what you have brought into the area.
Just take the trap to the vehicle.No need to hit it.They shiz up the cage,so your vehicle will stink.Easier to kill it,but that is your call.Best wishes.Dont try removing it from the cage.They WILL attack.Usually covered in ticks.Feces usually has roundworms.So cover yourself and clean well.

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