Raccoons killed my two momma hens

Not when you're trying to get what's left of that silly thing clean without it disintegrating, it's not so cute! I swear, my kids weren't this bad with their own loveys, and I'm doing it for a CHICKEN!
I guess that means he's staying. Herman is the biggest, ugliest, homeliest Silkie chicken on the face of this earth. But we love him!
We gave our lonely babies a feather duster to huddle under. They darted in and out, just like it was mama hen.
It's true, chicks love feather dusters...

But beware... they have been known to tangle and strangle chicks. Seems there is risk to everything. :hmm I use huddle boxes.

Sounds like them chicks will be perfectly fine with that rooster. Temps don't sound like an issue. I agree your boy will likely welcome the youngsters as his new flock. :love :fl
It's true, chicks love feather dusters...

But beware... they have been known to tangle and strangle chicks. Seems there is risk to everything. :hmm I use huddle boxes.

Sounds like them chicks will be perfectly fine with that rooster. Temps don't sound like an issue. I agree your boy will likely welcome the youngsters as his new flock. :love :fl
I have seen 3 chicks get strangled. (they weren't mine)
My husband got two of them, that same night. I haven't let any of my chickens out of the coop or the run.

Poor babies. They seem fine now, they huddle together at night and the roo goes from one bunch to the other and checks in on them.

I think I'll be good, but damn is it ever scary to think a coon will come out during daylight.

Thx everyone for your replies. :)

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