Rain Advice please

Well, when the third day of rain started and the temperatures dropped to 48 degrees. I'll admit, while the girls were dry enough, I was miserable! The weather reports were fro 10 more days of rain! I brought them back inside for 24 hours. They were cold and very snuggly. We had a break in the constant rain and the temperatures warmed up and so they have gone back outside. They spent the night outside - they all used the ladder on their own to go up to the coop and just needed a bit of a nudge to go on into what I call the hen house to be locked up safely for the night.

Everyone settled right down for the night and were happy girls when I took fresh water and good out this morning. So far, no rain again today. The weather folks are still hedging their bets and call for 20-60% change of rain every day for the next 10 days, but I live in the mountains and we probably won't get nearly as much as we have gotten earlier this week. 4 inches on Tuesday.. Thanks everyone for all the input.

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