Raised pens for calls, I have some questions...HELP!


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
I am going to be getting some calls next month, i am gettin them from a women a state away. I see all the time that people use "raised pens" for breeding.. Do you have to have raised pens for breeding?? Why do people use raise pens for breeding? I have a 6 by 10 stall(chicken wired) in the corner of my barn with a cement floor. I have hay on the floor and a nesting box in there. Will they mate/lay eggs in there???? My outdoor pen isnt ready to go yet(got to put netting on top)., i wont b able to complete it until the 4 foot drifts melts some.. Any info and pictures would be appreciated! thanks so much!
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i want to know too
The raised pens are mostly a preference of breeders they keep the ducks cleaner, take up less space than a ground coop and can be moved.
Breeders like to keep pairs/trios separated so they are assured the eggs are fertilized by the drake of their choice.
Call drakes will fight each other over hens so if you want a certain drake with a certain hen you will have to separate them.

But having them on the ground/concrete is not a problem they will do just fine.
They will be quite messy so be prepared to change that hay often because they poop alot and you don't want them sleeping in their poop.
Nesting mine are laying right now and they pick a spot in a corner and lay so yes they will lay in there

I have 3 pairs of calls and they are all separated .into individual raised pens
I prefer raised pens for my ducks. Its just cleanlier. Also, call ducks do need a pool of some kind for breeding purposes... so keep that in mind.

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