Raising Chickens in a Urban Area


5 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Hi BYC members. I grew up on a farm and raised chicks amongst other animals as a kid but have recently started an urban flock in the Pacific Northwest. Right now we have 3 Barred Rock and 3 Americana chicks. We are also looking at rescuing two Transylvanian Naked Neck layers that their owners are giving up do to a life style change.

I've found this to be a great site for resources and look forward to learning more. Any tips for a noob would be appreciated because I'm concerned about combining the flocks which is something I hadn't planned on doing.

Your instincts from growing up with livestock will go a long way to telling you what to do.

The best thing is to have separate housing on your property far away from the others so you can quarantine the new birds for at least a couple weeks. Then, take your most aggressive birds, put them in the NN housing and introduce the NNs to the smaller existing flock till they're friends. Then introduce the others.

Good luck with all your poultry adventures and welcome to BYC!

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