Raising chicks in southern Arizona!


Apr 3, 2015
Hello everyone... My wife and I are new to raising chickens so I have lots of questions on what I'm doing with these little fellas. I hope to learn a lot from you guys on this page. So, we got four chicks this past Sunday and just last night I moved them out into their coop. I have 1 Bantam, 1 Araucana, 1 sex-link, and I'm not sure what the last one is. I put all the gear that I had in their brooder in there with them and they look like they are having a blast today running all over the place. Well, we live in Yuma, AZ and are raising these little guys in our back yard so I hope they have a happy life! I'll be bugging you all with all of our questions.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. If you would like to know the breed of your fourth chick, post a pic of it on our What Breed or Gender is This? section at https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this and let our experts there take a look at it. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Is your sex link a Black Sex Link or a Red Sex Link?
Just be certain you have lots of shade and cool, fresh water for them - in your climate. Do you have a lot of predators in your area? If so you may want to confine them to a very secure, roofed run - to keep them safe. I know Arizona has poisonous snakes, spiders, etc.

My friend in Scottsdale used to say the man would come out to spray for bugs - and when he left "nothing " moved. Even that is spooky.
Just be certain you have lots of shade and cool, fresh water for them - in your climate. Do you have a lot of predators in your area? If so you may want to confine them to a very secure, roofed run - to keep them safe. I know Arizona has poisonous snakes, spiders, etc.

My friend in Scottsdale used to say the man would come out to spray for bugs - and when he left "nothing " moved. Even that is spooky.

Right now I have them on my back patio, so they only get about a hour of direct sunlight on their coop and that side is solid but once they are bigger I will build them a bigger coop and run with lots of shade. I would like to give them a misting system once they are bigger but have a long backyard with no water or electricity source to install one for them so I'll have to figure something else out. Their coop is one of those kit ones 77" L x 45" D x 71" H and fully enclosed. As far as predators I have never seen anything around my neighborhood that will be a problem for them and I get my house sprayed monthly for pests. Every now and again I'll hear crickets but that can just be a little snack for my chicks.


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