Raising Guinea Fowl 101

When do they become sexually mature?

Tomorrow we move our 25 keets, now 8 weeks old, into their new palatial coop. I also need to decide how long to leave them in the new house before letting them start coming out, then need to decide on a strategy for letting them out in such a way that they'll still coop.

Their first year is when they are the most beautiful.... they get a bluish tint to their necks and faces.... but I believe its around three or four months

When do they become sexually mature?

Tomorrow we move our 25 keets, now 8 weeks old, into their new palatial coop. I also need to decide how long to leave them in the new house before letting them start coming out, then need to decide on a strategy for letting them out in such a way that they'll still coop.

It is a shame, giving them a palatial coop just to have them run it down, poop on the flor and scream at your because some little thing does not "suit" them!

They will settle down some next spring/summer. They will never be well behaved, like your chickens or turkeys. Think of them as ducks or geese without water......( I knew you expected that Banty!)
 I also need to decide how long to leave them in the new house before letting them start coming out, then need to decide on a strategy for letting them out in such a way that they'll still coop.

If you haven't yet, start training them with treats to come when called. After moving them to the palace keep them penned for a week or two and each night around sunset use your call and feed them the treats in the coop. They are usually skittish about venturing outside for the first time and it might take them a day or two to work up the nerve. Sometimes it helps to only let half the flock free range for the first few days. They stay closer to the others and know where home is.
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When do they become sexually mature?

Tomorrow we move our 25 keets, now 8 weeks old, into their new palatial coop. I also need to decide how long to leave them in the new house before letting them start coming out, then need to decide on a strategy for letting them out in such a way that they'll still coop.
I would leave them locked in their new home for at least 3-4 weeks. You could give them treats every day while confined to get them used to it/dependent on it. Then, once you let them out, they will come back to the coop for their treats. I give my guineas white millet for a treat. When I go out to give it to them, I shake the bag and call "chick, chick, chick", and they come running from wherever they have roamed. Mine rarely fail to return to the coop each night, with or without treats.
This is great to hear, I needed to know this is possible. So many people say their guineas won't coop properly. I have millet all ready to start with them. My call is "keet keet keet keet" and they already have been gathering toward the door when I've been calling, in their old smaller coop.

We got them moved this evening into the new palace! It turned out to be a lot easier than I feared. I talked to them while I was catching them, telling them about the new place. My husb Bill was operating the cat carrier door for each one. We had 3 carriers and made it all in one trip. It seems to me that about halfway through, they stopped fighting so much and were almost resigned to their "fate", like, once half of the group was in the carriers they felt like they were supposed to be also. Or something. It definitely got easier to catch them and some of them hunkered down and let me pick them up.

Anyway they got in and it was too dark by the time we got it done, we'd had errands we had to do at a certain time and got back later than desired. But, they spied the roosts anyway, and first one, then one by one they flew up to one of the roosts. Only 3 of them wound up settling down on the floor. And I know they are safe and tomorrow they'll see what a wonderland they have. I didn't go in and try to put them on the roost like I would have a chicken, thinking it would just make everyone fly down again like they would in the old coop.

so, phew. !!!! I'll get photos tomorrow.
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Mine go in the chicken coop every night like clockwork. Never a problem getting them in there. Now if they only went in their coop instead.

I stopped fighting with them and let them live where they want now..

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