Raising Guinea Fowl 101

I love mine they like two Jump around and chase other birds lol! They just like to jump out the pen and somehow have no idea how to get back in!! Lolol
...I watch for this on a continual bases and pull the weak ones out and put them in a separate small pen down with the chickens.

I feed them only high protein and put chick saver in their drinking water.

In a few weeks they are back to health and I let any damage done by pecking heal completely.

They then get put back in with the Guinea flock and looked after until I feel they are good to go...

Guinea Goonie
After you return a healed guinea who had been separated, does the flock accept her? Or like chickens there is lots of fighting as a new member?

Thanks for your question. This is important I do understand.

I have a large pen that is 26 deep, 16 wide and 20 tall.

This is in the quartier part of the barn we use for the miniature stud horses.

The Guineas have this area and several very high and a few low roosting places

I have 25 plus Guinea, 3 game Roosters and an occasional Cat that hunts the mice in there.

It is extremely predator proof (the cat gets in at night some times while the door is open).

No one seems to bother the others (even the cat) except if a Guinea is weak.

This is pretty typical of a Guinea flock or even a chicken flock.

So, when the time comes to put the cured and refreshed Guineas back in I do it in the dark of night.

They all wake up with a few extra birds (roosters are done this way too) and they seem to be just fine with the whole thing.

I hope this helps. I sure do enjoy my Guinea fowl.
In my experience the guinea fowl will always try to be at the top of the pecking order and will fight a wounded bird to get their place but not all flocks act the same way.
My turkeys trump my guinea. But the guinea and the geese have reached an agreement I think, lol. My large Bourbon Red tom has no problem attacking my biggest embden gander, that was quite a shock. My gander walked away! My guinea absolutely dominate any of my chicken breeds.

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