Raising Hens in Upstate NY!


6 Years
Feb 1, 2013
Hi everyone! I'm new to the site, but I have been raising some hens for a couple of years now. I go to Siena College in Albany, NY and have yet to find anyone here with the same interest! City slickers!
. Right now I have 2 year old hens: 5 red sex links (Edna, Wilma, Ms. Shirley, Emma and Gracie), 2 Barred Rocks (Martha and May) and one Buff Orpington (Daphnie) and I can easily say they have been some of the most fun in my life! I would really like to add 6 (NYS minimum) Americauna pullets in May. I am going to raise them from as chicks in my dorm starting mid-March (roommate thinks I'm nuts, but loves it) and would like to introduce them to my small flock in May. Do you guys think that's alright? I only have one coop, but I suppose I have provisions for another. I've heard the horror stories of the pecking order and such when adding hens. I introduced my Rocks and Orpington a year after I raised by sex links and they were a little skiddish at first, but now are just fine. However, they're only 1 year in age difference. Any suggestions? Thanks everyone and let's pray for warmer weather! (well at least in the Northeast).

Mike, welcome to BYC. Go to the New York state thread. There are a lot of like minded folk in your state.
Greetings from Kansas, CollegeFarmer, and
! Pleased you joined us. I want to make sure I understand you - you will be raising chickens in your dorm room? They grow fast, are a little noisy with their cheeping and can be pretty smelly in confined areas - just saying. There are lots of threads on BYC about introducing new chickens. After a proper quarantine period you can put the newbies in a cage where all the birds have visual contact but not actual physical contact. Let them get used to each other for a few days, then when you introduce them put them in the coop at dark so they wake up together and let them out at first light. There will be a pecking order readjustment but it should go fine. Best of luck to you and have fun!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I should have said my dorm room is really a small house and we have an extra room where the chicks will be just fine. Thank you for the tips, I never really thought of trying that. I will!

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