Raising Meat birds on alternative feeds (ie CHEEP-ly)

I don't think there's a definitive universal answer to those questions, which is what I was trying to suggest earlier... And you haven't even specified how many chickens, what breeds, or what you'd be wanting out of them, or know what kind of climate region this property is going to be in, how big it will be, and what's already on it--or any of the other variables I mentioned in my first reply...
And knowing the land is really everything...

I imagine when it comes time someone with local experience would be able to help you more with specifics. And ultimately you'll learn for sure what works well and doesn't in practice. I'm just trying to help by suggesting things you MIGHT want to consider. It sounds like you're smart and on the right track though, so I wish you the best of luck with your vision!
To the first, I am not entirely sure yet. I would start out with a 25 batch I suppose then cull the cockerels once they become an issue. As for breeds, I am not entirely sure. That is another thing I am seriously thinking about. The Silver Wyaonette look amazing but I need to make sure whatever breed I end up with is a good forager.

Out of them, I mostly want eggs but I want one or two to go broody and raise chicks so I can cull the chicks for meat. I have no idea about where it is nor the actual size. I am going to be looking for property anywhere in the US that meets my criteria. I will definitely have other farmers near me though because I really want land in or near an Amish community because I will be going nearly electricity free with no car. I can't drive a car but I CAN drive horses with the best of them.

That is why the question then becomes what do I need to grow for them because I don't want to be relying on someone else to feed my flock. My goal for my farm is to be self sufficient and not ever need to go to the market (unless I want chocolate or spices). That means one of the big questions becomes what each animal I have needs in terms of dietary requirements so I know what I need to be growing and how much. I have already done the calculations for the horses and me, now it is time to factor in the chickens.

Maybe when I finish factoring in the chickens I will realize I need more land, who knows. For me, this is planning for 10 years down the line. Knowing what point my savings need to hit to buy the best piece of land outright (I will never have a mortgage) and set it up is a big part of it. Do I need to get more than a 15-35 acre allotment? If so, then how much more do I need to save to afford it? Where is the best spot to buy the land? Will I be able to cope with a house and barn that need a lot of fixing or do I get less land in order to get a decent house and barn? These are all questions I am researching the answers to.
Well, my 50 should be here tomorrow. Ground barley, oats, wheat are fermenting, ground meat is thawed. Have trays of grain growing in soil, like fodder. Have boiled potatoes, kitchen scraps and garden weeds.
I am keeping track of how much dry grain I am using by weighing it before adding in the water. Will also weigh the meat as that is my protein source.
Will feed 3 weeks 24/7, then restrict feed. Raising them in the new coop with outside run. I love the baby birds, but as this is my first time with meaties and pictures don't make these guys out to be very cute in very short order, I'll look forward to baked chicken!!!!!!

Keep us up to date all.

Well, my 50 should be here tomorrow. Ground barley, oats, wheat are fermenting, ground meat is thawed. Have trays of grain growing in soil, like fodder. Have boiled potatoes, kitchen scraps and garden weeds.
I am keeping track of how much dry grain I am using by weighing it before adding in the water. Will also weigh the meat as that is my protein source.
Will feed 3 weeks 24/7, then restrict feed. Raising them in the new coop with outside run. I love the baby birds, but as this is my first time with meaties and pictures don't make these guys out to be very cute in very short order, I'll look forward to baked chicken!!!!!!

Keep us up to date all.

exciting! you sound like a pro. i got my 50 yesterday. I had fermented feed for them but i held off. will probably start that tomorrow. i was too worried because they're pretty dumb and were going into it and getting wet. I was scared of them getting too cold. Tomorrow should be good since they're all adjusted now and heated back up from the long trip here. none died first night! And I SWEAR they've already gotten bigger....

Wow, sounds like everybody is on top of things. Kudos. I finally got my 7.5' x 12' dog kennel predator proofed today. The fellow did a stellar job. Tin roof and totally wrapped tight. Nothing getting in. Yea. He also build me a 6' wooden trough for my fermented feed and a 6' roost with 4 bars. (Enough for 50 chickens ha) But I only have 16 layers. 5 weeks old and so thrilled to get out of the store house and run and fly and play. It was a wonderful sight. The reason I got into chickens. I also have a grow out pen 3' x 12' that I'm going to use to raise about 15 CX before it gets to warm. I'm going to put it in the run so they can move around. If I can make them do it. I'll be feeding them 2x daily like the rest and treat them like regular chickens. Beekissed raised 50 and had them running over her whole 3 or 4 acres. We'll see. Good luck to everybody. Looks like it's going good for all.
exciting! you sound like a pro. i got my 50 yesterday. I had fermented feed for them but i held off. will probably start that tomorrow. i was too worried because they're pretty dumb and were going into it and getting wet. I was scared of them getting too cold. Tomorrow should be good since they're all adjusted now and heated back up from the long trip here. none died first night! And I SWEAR they've already gotten bigger....

Not a pro but I read here all the time. Hope mine don't smell much, I hear the fermented helps with that. Plus I have plenty of free bedding. Where did you get your birds from. Mine are from Welp. My Leghorns were also. I will have close to 100 birds for 6-8 weeks, then when the new leghorns start laying the old 19 leghorns will be made into stock.

Linda, glad you have a predator proof pen for your birds. My run in a dog kennel also. I'm getting excited!!!!!!!! Daisy, how is it going?

Wheres Welp??? Mine came from Rochester Hatchery (Canada)... we live in british columbia. I need to get more bedding. its all on the list for tomorrow. Have you thought about using the peat?

theres so much to learn on this site!
Welp is in Iowa. I am in Montana. They ship here in 3 days and arrive well. Funny you mention peat. I grow greenhouse plants and any dead or dumb plants get emptied into the outside run for the birds to clean up. So I do use peat in a roundabout way. Hay, wood chips are my main bedding
I've read maggots will cause botulism...
I've read it may cause botulism, and from what I can gather it's only when rotten meat is used to attract the flies. Breeding Black soldier fly larvae is done by many, but I'm still researching it as I don't want to be feeding anything that can harm the chickies.

I've been quiet the past two days, I finally have the Tree Lucerne seedlings for the future rabbit feed planted :)

My chicks are still only on fermented feed, but they are doing extremely well and outgrowing their brooder! They don't smell at all though, so I'm sure the fermented feed is doing an excellent job about that. I have no smells, and nice firm droppings from my lot. Seems Carolb will be experimenting with alternative feeds before I can get a chance to. I'm still having problems obtaining a protein source since the meat turned out to be too expensive. I may have something by the time I get the next lot of birds. Until then I will be feeding fermented feed, and they will be out free ranging soon (or is it called "pastured" if you have them fenced in?) The fenced in area will be 27 x 54 feet for the 50 broilers along with my mixed flock of 13 other chickens.

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