Raising Meat birds on alternative feeds (ie CHEEP-ly)

Daisy, I think that you are doing great. You've learned a lot and will continue learning. Beekissed has the best thread out there. She also has one on fermenting for layers. I found her meatbird thread on my first day and never looked back. I consider fermenting this best thing I've learned on all BYC. It's almost impossible to read it all. I'd suggest reading the first 100 pages and the last 100 pages. Bee was gone from the thread from about 500-1000 so I didn't go back and read those. But I did all the others. But I've been reading daily for over 8 mo. You only have so much time. From what I understand Bee ferments layer feed along with some BOSS or something. When I ask about non-GMO she said it isn't going to change much to feed non-GMO when you have it in everything else. Milk, beef, sugar veggies. So I quit worrying about it. I know that right now wheat is non-GMO, and oats and barley. If y'all want to go grains make a mixture of those three and BOSS. 2 parts wheat, 1 part ea of crimped oats and crimped or hulled barley. and 1 part BOSS (Black oiled Sunflower Seeds) Along with a little meat (a can of mackeral) or hamburger meat and you've got a pretty good mix. Greenery, sprouts, alfalfa pellets (just a few) if they can't roam. I totally respect you on the decision of 100 birds the next time. You have the set up for it. A LOT of work processing though.
That's a great point about GMO. I tried to go GMO free, but once you become aware of it, you realize most things contain GMO or are raised on GMO feed. I try to cut back where I can, ie conscious reading of labels and going GMO free where I can, but when it comes to feed, it's just too expensive. I'm compromising by doing what I can - raising my own birds free range is already better than buying chicken that has been raised in cramped conditions and never seen a ray of sunshine in their lives. My chicks have space to run around, access to greens, bugs and even mice! They killed a mouse yesterday! Had loads of fun chasing each other around for it lol.

Processing is still something I have to experience on a large scale, and I've read that is hard, hard work so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself but I guess that's something you can only be prepared for once you've done that many. I've done two birds at a time and once one bird so I know I'm in for a shock! Won't be processing all together though; I want to start at 4 weeks (yes, 4 weeks to get those "Petit poussin" one-person sized chicks) and do a batch every two weeks until they're all done. We'll see how it goes though. As with all things in life, there are plans and then there is reality, and only when you've experienced the reality, can you plan better for next time.
That's a great point about GMO. I tried to go GMO free, but once you become aware of it, you realize most things contain GMO or are raised on GMO feed. I try to cut back where I can, ie conscious reading of labels and going GMO free where I can, but when it comes to feed, it's just too expensive. I'm compromising by doing what I can - raising my own birds free range is already better than buying chicken that has been raised in cramped conditions and never seen a ray of sunshine in their lives. My chicks have space to run around, access to greens, bugs and even mice! They killed a mouse yesterday! Had loads of fun chasing each other around for it lol.

Processing is still something I have to experience on a large scale, and I've read that is hard, hard work so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself but I guess that's something you can only be prepared for once you've done that many. I've done two birds at a time and once one bird so I know I'm in for a shock! Won't be processing all together though; I want to start at 4 weeks (yes, 4 weeks to get those "Petit poussin" one-person sized chicks) and do a batch every two weeks until they're all done. We'll see how it goes though. As with all things in life, there are plans and then there is reality, and only when you've experienced the reality, can you plan better for next time.

Yeah, and several different ways to process. I like a whole chicken but my family likes boneless skinless chicken breasts. You can skin the front and cut off the breasts and pull the skin off the leg and thighs and cut them off. If you are in a pinch just toss the rest without doing anything else. You understand, I'm talking about the last few that you HAVE to finish and have just run out of energy. Last ditch effort.
The chicks are 3 weeks old today. Some pictures:

A close-up of one of the chicks. I opened their cage for them to roam a bit today (supervised) They didn't roam very far and the poor things were traumatized by my layers!

It's a big, scary world out there...
Hey Daisy, they look great, well not cute, tasty!!! My meaties are one week younger than yours, still look cute, so now I'll wait for this ugly phase to appear.
Hi all!

I am reading this thread and taking lots of notes :) You are all very interesting.

I am also into gardening and providing healthy food to myself and my animals. I will be getting my birds in about a week or so.

I was planning of planting a lot of sunflowers in the garden. Would it be OK to take the seeds from the sunflowers and crush them, to give to chickens? I also thought about germinating the seeds!

And then.. (ok, not sure if this is nasty and disgusting or a good idea yet, need to research a bit) I thought of using the chicken neck and bones for stew.. and then maybe, possibly use the scraps from the chickens (internal organs + what is left from my stew) to crush, dehydrate (or cook, don't know yet) and feed my dogs! LOL. Is that too much? Or yet dangerous? I doubt it can be dangerous once cooked, but I am not 100% sure regarding the intestines. Also it wouldn't be 100% of my dog's feed, just a little "side dish"!

Anyhow, back to feeding chickens.. what else can we grow in our gardens to feed the chicks? I read on page 2 or 3 about kale and a few other greens! I thought about sunflowers as they produce a tremendous amount of seeds (I used last summer's flowers to feed the wild birds all along winter!).
Hi all!

I was planning of planting a lot of sunflowers in the garden. Would it be OK to take the seeds from the sunflowers and crush them, to give to chickens? I also thought about germinating the seeds!

I have planted a row of mammoth sunflowers for just such a purpose. I already feed mine black oil sunflower seeds in their feed and those are smaller, so I don't even crush them. I was able to germinate them without trouble too. If I plant more I will try BOSS instead of mammoths.
Nothing gross about Eating neck meat, organs or bone broth!
Oh that is what BOSS is!!!!! I read that in a lot of places and didn't know what BOSS referred to :)

Thanks for the info on organs also. Didn't know if intestines could be toxic or something, but I sure love the idea of nothing going to waste.

Can't wait to have my chickens. Finishing up my coop this week :)
New egg here to backyard chicken. In have been eating meat birds, basically from birth. My family were butchers for three generations, any meat is eatable, offel (spelling?) liver hearts, lungs gizzard, are fine, legs are great if you have no health problems eg diabeties. As for the intestines the lining can be used as sausage skins, (very thin one) but I would be concerned about worms ets, we used it as fishing bait and eat the fish.

I know my dog will eat it and the last time I did a few chooks I noticed that the chooks would take the intestines but not eat it raw, stewed up with some other food may encourage them but I do wonder why???

I prefer to use it as a fertiliser in the garden or the compost and let the chooks eat the worms etc.

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