Raising my first chicks(Picture Heavy)


Jun 3, 2015
Houston, TX

It's my first time posting on BYC but I've been lurking since last fall when I decided that I needed chickens to keep me occupied if we moved outside the city. We're moving in two weeks and in the meantime, I've got a batch of 10 chicks in my brooder set-up. I initially ordered twice that but they spent 4 days in shipping and sadly a lot of them just couldn't handle that and died within the first two days. I ordered a mixed box of rare-breeds since I'm fond of variety(I'm also working on an heirloom garden that so far consists of three fig trees because a wild hog keeps eating all my seedlings if I direct sow). I really hope that it was just shipping stress and not something I did because I've got 10 replacements coming from a much closer hatchery that can get to me in a more reasonable time frame.

Icarus(tried to fly into the heat lamp)

Marshmallowhead(to be renamed when she does something interesting)

Hannibal or her look alike(thinks other chicken's toes are food but hasn't hurt any of them)

Pilot(flies out of the brooder when she's startled, we're changing our set-up today to prevent that)

Icarus' look alike(hasn't done anything interesting yet)
Edit: Maybe this is Pilot's look alike instead now that I can look at the coloring without her squirming everywhere.

Mercury or her sister(she caught a fly as fast as lightning and keeps trying)

Unnamed (nothing noteworthy yet)

It'll be fun to see what breeds they grow up to be. Feel free to guess ^_^
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They are so cute!
May you post some more pics when they are older? Thanks! Good luck with your brand new flock! If you have any questions about raising them, just click this link: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/11/raising-baby-chicks

Everyone here is very helpful and very friendly!

Have a wonderful day!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.
Congrats on your chicks! They are adorable!
And I love their names and characteristics you added to them. Sorry to hear about the ones you lost
Although sad, it's very common for some chicks to not survive all the stresses of being shipped.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Have you checked out our learning center yet? TONS of helpful info there! https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center
LOVE the names and descriptions - especially Icarus - that's a good one. They make wire protectors for the heat bulbs but, I can see how a chick could still get 'injured .between the gaps in wire. Wish I had seen Mercury get the fly. I didn't know young chicks were that quick. She must be a chick prodigy.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Thank you for sharing the photos and notes about your chicks, you have some fun ones there! Sorry for the losses you had.

Once they get a little older, you can share photos of them on the below link to get some help identifying their breed:

Have fun with them and if you have questions, feel free to ask.

It's nice to have you here!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :)
I'm glad to join a community of people as excited about chickens as I am. Most of my friends think chicken raising is a weird hobby lol.
I scared my other half when I started talking about how I'd been looking at plans to build a better coop next year. Since we're moving, we're in the process of building an alpine a-frame coop that will be easy to load onto the back of the pickup when it's finished. The idea is that the coop will be waiting for us up there before the chicks are old enough to need it.. We've been working on it for a month now and most of the work got done when the chicks actually arrived and G. finally realized he'd procrastinated so long that the chicks were here. The same thing happened with the dog. Once he realized I got her housebroken in a week, he abandoned all plans to put in that gate. Somehow though, I don't think he'll be up to buying them all chicken diapers and I'm not going to leave them outside alone until they're big enough that my own cats can't eat 'em(I've got two 10lb of muscle monsters that come from feral stock) so I think it'll get built.

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